education, weddings, and all things lovely.
Do you know what one of the most photographed parts of the wedding day is? THE WEDDING CAKE! I’ve never been to a wedding where there wasn’t at least a dozen or so guests surrounding the cake for photos with their cellphones or point and shoot cameras. It’s one of the most important parts of […]
mo·ment | 1. a very brief period of time | 2. importance mag·nif·i·cent | splendid, striking, awe-inspiring, breathtaking I decided a few weeks ago that I should be sharing more on my blog so I have been playing with the idea of sharing one small post each weekday with a specific topic. I’ll post the schedule below […]
It happens; some brides look at their wedding photos and feel an immense sense of disappointment. And here are seven mistakes to avoid so that you’re not one of them! Here are some common wedding photography mistakes to avoid! Mistake 1: Not hiring a second photographer Weddings are expensive and all couples want to […]
As your big day approaches, below are a few things to be aware of as you prepare for your wedding photos. Our sweet friend, Renae, of After the Proposal Weddings & Events, also gave us some incredible tips that you can read below. If you don’t know about After the Proposal Weddings & Events […]