education, weddings, and all things lovely.
A reading from the Book of Genesis 2:18-24 The Lord God said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.” So the Lord God formed out of the ground various wild animals and various birds of the air, and he brought them to the man […]
“Being my best friend, you are the shoulder I lean on, the person I can run to, the love of my life, and my everything.” Shanell + Hakeem are two of the sweetest humans you will ever meet! I met with them well over a year ago for the first time to discuss their day […]
“Their Priest, who has known Caleb for many years, joked during the service that it took a while for Caleb to bring Ashley around everyone. Upon meeting her for the first time, he said felt like the red M&M with Santa commercial when he exclaimed, “You DO exist!!” This was his first comment to Ashley […]
I love engagement sessions for many reasons, but the top reason is that I have the opportunity to get to know the clients before the wedding day! I’ll admit that I love to hear about your wedding plans, too! 😉 There’s nothing quite as exciting as planning a wedding but it’s so important to enjoy […]